Master’s degree in Servitization in the automotive sector (a.y. 22/23)
Course Type Professional Masters’ courses
Academic year 2022/2023
- Membership structure
- Disste
The 2nd edition of the Master’s in Servitisation in the Automotive Sector is organised in partnership with the SdM - Scuola di Alta Formazione (Advanced Vocational Training School) of the Università degli Studi di Bergamo.
The goal of the Master’s degree is to train Service Managers of the future, responding to a current gap in education demands.
More specifically, the Master’s degree:
- supplies an overall view of the issues and methodologies that a Service Manager must tackle
- supply participants with the skills needed (managerial and engineering) for service management
- adopt a strict methodological approach to training, which also encompasses practical aspects
- interpret the principles and methodologies of service management to various contexts of the automotive industry (cars, commercial vehicles, industrial vehicles, etc)
Application and Enrolment
The procedures and requirements for admission to the course are laid out in the Decree of Establishment and Activation of the Master’s degree, and in the presentation brochure, both to be found in the Attachments section.
To enrol on individual courses, see the procedure outline in the final section of Article 10 of the Decree of Establishment and Activation of the Master’s degree.
Application and enrolment for auditors
For those who wish to enrol as auditor for the Master’s degree, the application must be made within the stated deadlines, using the “Self-declaration for Auditors” which can be found in the Attachments section and must be submitted along with the following documents: “Application for Master’s” (specifically stating the request to participate as auditor), front and back scanned copies of a valid ID document, CV.
- Manager of the Master’s degree: Prof.ssa Lucrezia Songini, full professor at DiSSTE, Università del Piemonte Orientale
- Assistant Manager: Prof. Paolo Gaiardelli, associate professor at Department of Management, Information and Production in Engineering, Universita degli Studi di Bergamo
- Email address of Master’s programme:
Other members of the Master’s Degree Council include: Prof.ssa Paola Vola, associate professor at DiSSTE, Università del Piemonte Orientale; Prof.ssa Giuditta Pezzotta, associate professor at the Department of Management, Information and Production in Engineering Universita degli Studi di Bergamo; Prof.ssa Anna Pistoni, associate professor at the Department of Economics at the Università degli studi of Insubria.
For information on the admission and enrolment procedures for the Master’s, please write to:
- Submission of applications: 17 February 2023, 12pm (Italian time)
- Publication of ranking: 21 February 2023, 6pm (Italian time)
- Completion of enrolment: 28 February 2023, 12pm (Italian time)
- Payment of second instalment: by 2 May 2023
Deadline for late applications
- Submission of application: 9 March, 6pm (Italian time)
- Publication of ranking: 10 March, by 6pm (Italian time)
- Completion of enrolment: 15 March, 6pm (Italian time)
Course fee: € 4,500 to be paid in two instalments:
- I instalment: € 3,000 to be paid by the enrolment deadline
- II instalment: € 1,500 by 2 May 2023.
The auditor fee is € 250 per day of teaching (i.e. 8 lessons), to be paid in a single instalment by the deadline for enrolment on single courses, i.e. 7 days before the start date of the course.
To make the payments (excluding those for single courses: for these, please contact UPORisponde), especially the first instalment, you must:
- Log on to;
- Follow the path: Reserved Area -> Registration, then click on “Online Registration”;
- key in the information requested up to the generation of a user ID, which will then be associated to a password
- access the Reserved Area using the generated user ID (at the end of the process in the previous point, click on “Proceed with authentication”);
- Click on “Segretaria” (Secretariat), access “Iscrizione” (Enrolment page)
- Key in the information requested up to generation and printing of the enrolment form
- Return to “Controlla pagamenti” (Check Payments) or “Pagamenti non pervenuti” (Payments not made), then the item “Fattura” (Invoices), where the bill for the first instalment will appear (the second instalment bill will appear here later)
- Print the bill for the first instalment and use it to make the payment at any bank or by online banking (the same procedure will be necessary for the second instalment if applicable).
- The number assigned by the system at the end of the online procedure (after enrolment is completed) will be confirmed as the actual student ID number (in the event of later access to the registration page, where the system does not recognise the user ID in the “name.surname” format, this number can be used along with the previously selected password).
- Following any updates to the online procedure, the above procedures may change
- It is necessary to submit the enrolment form by hand to the “Dipartimento per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile e la Transizione Ecologica dell’Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale – Ufficio Servizi alla Didattica e agli Studenti – Segreteria Studenti – via Galileo Ferraris 107 13100 Vercelli”, via PEC to, o via e-mail, to the PEC or e-mail must state the subject line “Domanda di iscrizione al Master in “Servitization nel settore automotive” – A.A. 2022/2023, by the deadlines stated.
No enrolment fees may be returned once teaching has begun.
Information on calendars, location and timetables of teaching activity
- Duration: annual
- Location of lessons: The lessons will be mostly held online, with some hours in person at the Università del Piemonte Orientale, DiSSTE.
- Start of lessons: March 2023
- End of lessons: February 2024
- Attendance: to be admitted to the final exam, students must have attended at least 75% of lessons.
- Hours and credits: 1500 hours (304 taught, 646 individual study, 525 internship and 25 on drafting of thesis. Completion of the Master’s and passing the final exam leads to the awarding of 60 academic credits.
Course exams and Final Exam (25 hours, 1 credit)
The achievement of credits depends on passing a number of mid-programme exams at the end of each course, consisting of multiple choice or open question tests designed to ascertain the acquired knowledge and skills.
At the end of the degree programme, the student will take a final exam involving a defence of the Master’s thesis.
Please note that the intermediate tests and final exam are not taken by auditors.
Qualification issued
Candidates who have fulfilled the attendance requirement, and passed all tests/exams, will be awarded a Master’s degree in “Servitisation in the Automotive sector” signed by the Rector of the Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale and the Rector of the Università degli Studi di Bergamo.
Auditors who have fulfilled the attendance requirement will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
For more information, please contact the Ufficio Servizi alla Didattica e agli Studenti – Segreteria Studenti of the Dipartimento per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile e la Transizione Ecologica, via UPORisponde.
Brochure Master
- Documento PDF - 1.87 MB
Decreto di istituzione e attivazione
- Documento PDF - 506.09 KB
Decreto di proroga delle scadenze per l'ammissione e la graduatoria - Master Servitization
- Documento PDF - 239.83 KB
Delibera di approvazione variazione numero minimo di studenti al Master
- Documento PDF - 288.38 KB
Nomina della Commissione per la selezione degli ammessi al Master
- Documento PDF - 97.99 KB
- Documento PDF - 113.51 KB
Dichiarazione di concordanza della Prof.ssa Vola in merito al verbale e alla lista degli ammessi al Master
- Documento PDF - 32.52 KB
Dichiarazione di concordanza del Dott. Petrolo in merito al verbale e alla lista degli ammessi al Master
- Documento PDF - 33.47 KB
- Documento PDF - 152.97 KB
Decreto di riapertura Master Servitization
- Documento PDF - 652.49 KB
Nomina e convocazione della Commissione per gli ammessi tardivamente al Master
- Documento PDF - 206.44 KB
- Documento PDF - 476.95 KB
Dichiarazione di concordanza con il Verbale e la Lista degli ammessi al Master, senza dati personali, Dott. Petrolo
- Documento PDF - 39.13 KB
Locandina Convegno ASAP - Service Management Forum
- Documento PDF - 1.65 MB
Last modified 8 August 2024