Master’s degree in Servitization in the Automotive Sector (3rd edition, a.y. 23/24)
Course Type Professional Masters’ courses
Academic year 2023/2024
- Membership structure
- Disste
The third edition of the Master in Servitization in the Automotive Sector is organised in collaboration with the School of Higher Education of the University of Bergamo.
Educational and professional goals
The mission of the Master’s degree programme is, therefore, to train Service Managers of the future in order to respond to a currently neglected training gap.
More specifically, the Master aims to:
- provide a complete view of the issues and methodologies that the Service Manager must oversee
- equip participants with both managerial and engineering skills in service management
- adopt a methodologically rigorous and at the same time practical training approach;
- implement the principles and methodologies of service management in various contexts of the automotive sector (motor vehicles, commercial vehicles, industrial vehicles, etc.).
Application for Admission and Registration
he procedures and requirements for applying for admission, and subsequently for enrolling in the course, are explained in the Master's Establishment and Activation Decree and in the Presentation Brochure, both present in the Attachments section.
To enrol for single courses, please refer to the procedures explained in the final part of Article 10 of the Master's Establishment and Activation Decree.
Application for admission and registration for auditors
For those wishing to enrol in the Master’s programme as auditors, the application for admission must be submitted within the required deadlines, using the "Self-declaration for auditors" in the Attachments section, to be sent together with the following documents: "Application for the Master’s", in which it is necessary to specify that you are applying as an auditor; double-sided scan of an identity document; curriculum vitae.
*N.B. Also those who apply for the course, including auditors, or who wish to enrol on individual courses must also submit the documentation (completed and signed) regarding the Privacy Policy, here in the attachments.
Contact details
- Manager of the Master’s programme: Prof. Lucrezia Songini, ordinary professor at DiSSTE, University of Eastern Piedmont
- Assistant Manager: Prof. Paolo Gaiardelli, associate professor at the Department of Engineering Management, Information and Production, Universita degli Studi di Bergamo
- Email address for Master’s:
Other members of the Course Council are: Prof.ssa Paola Vola, associate professor at DiSSTE, University of Eastern Piedmont; Prof. Giuditta Pezzotta, associate professor at the Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering, University of Bergamo; Prof. Anna Pistoni, associate professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Insubria.
For clarifications regarding the procedures for applying for admission and for enrolling in the Master’s, please contact the following e-mail address:
- Presentation of admission requests: 15 February 2024, 12pm (Italian time)
- Publication of ranking: 20 February 2024, 6pm (Italian time)
- Presentation of enrolment request: 28 February 2024, 12pm (Italian time)
- Payment of 2nd instalment: by 2 May 2024
Fee payement
Fee: € 4,500 to be paid in 2 instalments:
- 1st instalment: € 3,000 to be paid by registration date
- 2nd instalment: € 1,500 by 2 May 2024.
The contribution fee to be paid by auditors is €250 per day (equal to 8 hours of lessons), to be paid in a single instalment by the deadline set for enrolment in single courses, i.e., 7 days before the date of the beginning of the course on which you wish to enrol.
In order to make the aforementioned payments (excluding payments for single courses, for which it is necessary to contact UPORisponde), and in particular the first instalment, it is necessary to:
1. connect to the web page
2. follow the path Reserved Area -> Registration, then click on "Web Registration"
3. enter the information progressively requested until the generation of an ID name, to which a password will be associated
4. access the Reserved Area using the generated ID name (at the end of the procedure referred to in the previous point, simply click on "Proceed with authentication")
5. click on "Segreteria", accessing the "Enrolment page"
6. insert the information progressively requested up to the generation and printing of the application form
7. go back to the item "Check payments" or "Payments not received", then to the item "Invoice", where the payment slip relating to the first instalment will appear (the slip relating to the second instalment will appear later)
- print the slip relating to the first instalment and use it to make the payment in question at any bank, or by home-banking (you must proceed similarly for the payment of any second instalment). Please note that:
- the number assigned by the system at the end of the online procedure, once the enrolment has been completed, will be confirmed as the effective enrolment number assigned to the student (in the case of accesses subsequent to registration, where the system does not recognise the string " name.surname", this will be solved by entering this enrolment number; as for the password, the previously-chosen one can be used);
- following the updating of the computerised procedures, deviations from the above operational indications are possible
- it is necessary to submit the application for enrolment to the "Department for Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition of the University of Eastern Piedmont - Education and Student Services Office - Student Secretariat - via Galileo Ferraris 107 13100 Vercelli" by PEC , to the address, or alternatively by e-mail, to the address; the PEC or e-mail must state the wording "Registration application for the Master in "Servitization in the automotive sector" - A.Y. 2023/2024, and arrive by the indicated deadlines.
No payment will be returned once teaching activity has begun.
Teaching periods, location and hours
- Duration: annual
- Location: The majority of lessons will be held online, with some at the DiSSTE premises of the University of Eastern Piedmont.
- Start date: March 2024
- End date: February 2025
- Attendance: to be admitted to the final exam, you must attend at least 75% of lessons.
- Hours and credits: 1500 hours: 304 face-to-face teaching, 646 private study, 525 internship and 25 for drafting of thesis. Completion of the Master’s and passing the final exam earn 60 academic credits.
Midcourse tests and final exam (25 hours, 1 credit)
The earning of credits is subject to students passing specific ongoing tests at the end of each course, consisting of multiple-choice questionnaires or open questions aimed at ascertaining the knowledge and skills acquired.
At the end of the training course, the candidate will instead be subjected to a final test consisting in the defence of the Master's thesis.
Please note that the intermediate tests and final exam do not apply to auditors.
Qualification awarded
Any candidate who has complied with the attendance requirement and has passed the midcourse tests, as well as the final exam, will be awarded the joint Master's degree in "Servitization in the automotive sector" signed by the Rector of the University of Eastern Piedmont and the Rector of the University of Bergamo.
A certificate of attendance will be issued to all auditors who have complied with the compulsory attendance regulation.
For more information, contact the Teaching and Student Services Office – Student Secretariat of the Department of Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition, via the page UPORisponde.
Brochure Master
- Documento PDF - 1.87 MB
Decreto di istituzione e attivazione
- Documento PDF - 506.09 KB
Decreto di proroga delle scadenze per l'ammissione e la graduatoria - Master Servitization
- Documento PDF - 239.83 KB
Delibera di approvazione variazione numero minimo di studenti al Master
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Nomina della Commissione per la selezione degli ammessi al Master
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Dichiarazione di concordanza della Prof.ssa Vola in merito al verbale e alla lista degli ammessi al Master
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Dichiarazione di concordanza del Dott. Petrolo in merito al verbale e alla lista degli ammessi al Master
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Decreto di riapertura Master Servitization
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Nomina e convocazione della Commissione per gli ammessi tardivamente al Master
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Dichiarazione di concordanza con il Verbale e la Lista degli ammessi al Master, senza dati personali, Dott. Petrolo
- Documento PDF - 39.13 KB
Last modified 8 August 2024