Master's Degree in Disaster Medicine (22nd edition) - a.y. 23/24
Course Type Professional Masters’ courses
Academic year 2023/2024
- Membership structure
- Disste
The course is called Master of Science in Disaster Medicine and is a second-level Master's degree of one-year duration. The 22nd edition of the Master is jointly organised by the Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale "A. Avogadro" - UPO, represented by the "Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca e Formazione in Medicina dei Disastri, Assistenza Umanitaria e Salute Globale (CRIMEDIM)", Novara and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel - VUB, represented by the Onderzoeksgroep Urgentie-en Rampengeneeskunde (REGIDIM).
The course will be conducted via teledidactics using an e-learning platform and in-presence in a two-week residential course.
Educational and professional objectives
The Master's Course aims to provide participants with a clear concept of Disaster Medicine and is intended as a contribution to the global development of disaster medicine.
Disaster Medicine and stands as a contribution to the global development of disaster medicine
as an academic discipline.
At the end of the course, participants should be able to:
- understand the basic characteristics of disaster medicine;
- estimate the epidemiological impacts of disasters;
- estimate health risks in disaster situations and propose primary prevention measures; and
- participate in medical surveillance and planning for disasters;
- direct the medical response in disaster situations;
- manage the medical management and care aspects of specific disasters;
- organising and managing the psychosocial support of victims and rescuers in disaster situations; and
disaster situations;
- organising and managing assessment and consultation sessions;
- organise education and training for disaster medicine and disaster medical
disaster medical management;
- manage medical-managerial aspects in complex medical emergencies;
- understand the legal, ethical and moral aspects of disaster medicine;
- supervise, develop and conduct innovative research on the medical aspects of
disasters in multidisciplinary and applied settings.
Application for admission and registration
The application for admission must be submitted online according to the procedure detailed on the European Master's Degree in Disaster Medicine website no later than 2 October 2023 at 16.00 CEST.
In particular, the documents to be attached to the application for admission are
as follows:
- substitute declaration of certification, pursuant to art. 46 point m) of Presidential Decree
28/12/2000, no. 445, certifying that a degree has been obtained and indicating
all the marks awarded in the profit and degree examinations
- certified copy of the qualifications assessable for admission to the course;
- official translation into Italian or English of the degree diploma;
- for non-Italian students, declaration of value issued by the Italian representation (embassies and consulates).
representation (embassies and consulates) of the country to whose system
institution that issued the degree or documents of equal value (diploma supplement or comparability
supplement or declaration of comparability issued by CIMEA);
- curriculum vitae;
- a covering letter signed by a lecturer/reporter or by
mentor(s) stating the reasons for the request for admission;
- copy of a valid passport or identity document.
More specific indications concerning the procedures and requirements for applying for admission and subsequently enrolling in the course are set out in the Decree establishing and activating the Master's Course, which can be found in the Annexes section.
The enrolment of any auditors to the Master's course is permitted.
Contacts and references
- Master Course Director: Prof. Luca Ragazzoni, Associate Professor at DiSSTE, University of Eastern Piedmont
- Email address for clarifications:
Executive Committee of the Master: F. Della Corte, University of Eastern Piedmont, Interdepartmental Centre for Research and Training in Disaster Medicine, Humanitarian Assistance and Global Health; I.Hubloue, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Onderzoeksgroep Urgentie-en Rampengeneeskunde; L. Ragazzoni, University of Eastern Piedmont, Interdepartmental Centre for Research and Training in Disaster Medicine, Humanitarian Assistance and Global Health; M. Debacker, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Onderzoeksgroep Urgentie-en Rampengeneeskunde;
If you have any questions about how to apply for admission, how to register for the Master's programme and how to pay the fees, please contact the DISSTE Masters contact person, Angelica Venturini.
- Application submission: 02 October 2023, 16.00 CEST
- Publication of the rank list: 25 October 2023
- Submission of application and payment of first instalment: 08 November 2023, 16.00 CEST
- Payment of the second instalment: by 1 March 2024
Payment fees
Registration fee: € 8,000.00, payable in two instalments:
1st instalment: € 4,532.00, to be paid by the registration deadline, 08 November 2023 at 16.00 CEST
Second instalment: € 3,500.00 by 1 March 2024
Below is the registration procedure:
- connect to the web page;
- follow the path Reserved Area -> Registration, and then click on "Web Registration";
- enter the information (of a personal nature) progressively requested, up to the generation of your identifier, to which a password will be associated;
- access the Reserved Area using the generated identifier (at the end of the procedure described in the previous point, it will be sufficient to click on "Proceed with authentication")
- click on "Secretariat", accessing the "Enrolment Page";
- enter the information (relating to the course of interest) progressively requested, until the application form is generated and then printed;
- go back to "Check payments" or "Unreceived payments", and then to "Invoice", where the payment slip for the first instalment will appear (the payment slip for the second instalment will appear later).
c) for all the other students:
- Bank: Banca Popolare di Sondrio - Vercelli Branch
- Account payable to Università del Piemonte Orientale
- IBAN: IT91Y0569610000 000010000X96
- Reason for payment: AMMCE - Master in Disaster Medicine - Name and Surname of the person
person for whose registration the payment is being made
Please note that bank charges for any transfers must be borne
by the student(s) and may not be charged to the University.
For students enrolled as auditors, the registration fee is set at €6,000.00.
Information on periods, venue and hours of teaching activity
- Duration: annual
- Class locations: The course will be conducted via teledidactics using an e-learning platform and in-presence in a two-week residential course at the University of Eastern Piedmont, Novara.
- Start of lessons: 20 November 2023
- Attendance: Attendance of at least 75% of the hours dedicated to training activities is a necessary condition for obtaining the degree.
- Hours and credits: 1,500 hours, of which 115 of face-to-face teaching, 225 of practical exercises, 1,160 of individual study, and 500 for the final exam. Completion of the master's degree and passing the final examination results in the acquisition of 60 CFUs.
Intermediate and final examinations (500 hours, 20 CFU)
The passage from one module to the next will be possible after having verified the study of the module content and the acquisition of knowledge through intermediate tests.
At the end of the training course, the candidate will be subject to a final examination consisting of multiple-choice quizzes and the resolution of an electronic exercise via the Internet.
Title issued
The Master's degree will be awarded to the student if a final mark of 65/110 or higher is obtained. This condition, however, is subject to the student's administrative and contribution regularity within the terms set out in the notice.
The Master's degree will be awarded jointly in the form of a single document bearing the logos of the universities awarding the degree, the official name of the national qualifications corresponding to the level of the course followed, the signature of the Rectors.
Decreto di istituzione e attivazione del Master
- Documento PDF - 646.24 KB
Useful Links
Last modified 4 October 2023