Master’s in Integrated Strategies for Sustainability and the Ecological Transition - SISTEM – 1st edition a.y. 2024/2025
Course Type Professional Masters’ courses
Academic year 2024/2025
- Membership structure
- Disste
The Master’s programme in "Integrated Strategies for Sustainability and the Ecological Transition - SISTEM" sets out to train an environmental management expert who acts in compliance with sustainability criteria, configured as the strategic mission of the Department for Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition. The goal of the Master’s is to provide multidisciplinary skills, to train a highly specialised expert in sustainable management and monitoring of resources, who can contribute to identifying management choices aimed at improving the relationship between human activities and the environment, in order to implement and adhere to the SDG principles of the 2030 Agenda.
Potential candidates
This Master’s programme is aimed at those who wish to acquire multi-trans-disciplinary skills to be put at the service of companies and organisations working to be increasingly sustainable. Graduates (of minimum three-year programmes) in ecological, biological, chemical, geophysical, economic and legal disciplines can enrol on the programme. Graduates with proven work experience can also enrol as auditors to obtain certificates of attendance, either for some selected modules or the entire course.
Career opportunities
In terms of employment, the acquired skills could open up opportunities as:
- Sustainability manager
- Consultant in environmental impact assessment
- Consultant in sustainability and environmental management
- Environmental certification officer
Teaching project
For each topic, the teaching of the SISTEM Master’s will be structured "with multiple voices" of professors from the academic, business and professional fields, to provide (in a complementary way) basic and applicative knowledge and skills in the scientific, technical and management fields.
Topics include:
•analysis, management and monitoring of resources (renewable and non)
•impact assessment (social, economic and environmental)
•integration and certification of sustainability in business activity (supply chain, recycling and re-use)
•sustainability reports
Useful information
In the attachments can be found a short presentation and the notice of the Master’s course.
SISTEM Master DISSTE 24-25
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Last modified 29 July 2024