The bachelor's and master's degree programme ends with the final exam: the discussion of a paper on a research topic consistent with the educational objectives of the course of study (commonly called "thesis").
For the topic choice for the final exam, you must consult your tutor or a teacher of your course of study.
- To view exam session details, visit the section on Final Exams and thesis
Administrative rules common to Bachelor graduates (3-year degrees) and Master’s degrees
You must submit the graduation application through the Student portal, as described in the attachment "HANDBOOK of online procedure". This must be done at least 1 month before the graduation date.
Upon submission of the same via the web, the system will automatically generate a payment bill amounting to 32 euros, corresponding to the duty stamps due for application to graduate and for the future degree parchment. This amount must be paid strictly within the same deadline set for presentation of the graduation application.
During the online procedure, the following documents must be attached:
- FINAL EXAM TITLE SUBMISSION (with the thesis title in Italian and English, signed by the supervisor) – use the online Thesis Title Deposit Form. Once you have filled in the form with all the required data, you will receive a copy in the University's institutional email. You will then have to send the form to the lecturer, who will digitally sign it and send it to you so that you can attach it to your degree application.
- ALMALAUREA survey receipt
- BIBLIOLAB: those enrolled as of the 2020_2021 academic year must also submit the final certificate of completion of Modules 1-4 of the laboratory.
The administrative requirements to take the final exam are as follows:
- you must have passed the exams stated in the study plan and, as regards training activities that do not include a mark out of thirty (e.g., the internship), have accrued all related credits (except those relating to the final exam) at least 15 days before the graduation date
- be up-to-date with the payment of university fees and charges.
Specific administrative rules for Bachelor graduates
To obtain your bachelor's degree, you only need to attach the PDF of the title page with the final title (not the entire paper), and you must send the final paper to the supervisor. The title page must be signed by the supervisor.
Specific administrative rules for Master’s graduates
To graduate from the Master’s programme, you must:
- identify the subject on which your thesis will focus and agree on the title of the work with the supervisor well in advance;
- complete the on-line procedure: you will be asked to enter (obligatory) the PDF/A copy of your thesis, which must be signed by you and digitally countersigned by the supervisor. Please note that for digital signature the document must be saved in PDF/A format.
- Your graduation application will only be approved by the Student secretariat when you have confirmed, with the appropriate confirmation tick, your final dissertation (see explanatory slides attached to this page). This confirmation, which may be subsequent to the submission of the online application, must take place no later than seven days after the date of the graduation session.
Request for multimedia equipment
Candidates who need multimedia equipment for the presentation of their degree thesis (video projector, speakers, etc) are asked to make arrangements in advance (at least two working days), with the ICT Management and Assistance Office of the Vercelli Campus:
Frequently Asked Questions
When and how can I submit the application to graduate?
It will be possible to submit an application according to the deadlines indicated for each degree programme on the Degree Session Notice Board page
The application method will take place online via the Student Portal; instructions are present further down the page.
I do not intend to attend the graduate session: what should I do?
Those who do not intend to participate in the graduation session must submit a WITHDRAWAL in accordance with the deadlines given for each course of study on the Degree Session Notice Board page, via the Uporeplies service.
The application deadline has passed / I have not submitted my dissertation in time: what can I do?
Submission of the dissertation application outside the prescribed deadlines must be approved by the Director of the Department, and will be subject to the application of a late payment fee based on number of days of delay as provided for in the current Student Handbook for failure to meet the deadlines set for administrative fulfilments.
The same shall apply for failure to deliver dissertations by the specified deadlines.
Please note:
Remember that all the deadlines indicated above are mandatory and therefore do not allow for exceptions.
It is the responsibility of students to organise their examinations and activities relating to the final examination in such a way as to comply with these deadlines.
If the final examination/dissertation is to be discussed in a session subsequent to the one for which you have registered, you must, within the prescribed deadlines, reapply online and pay the relevant tax duty.
The rest of the documentation (AlmaLaurea certificate and thesis title deposit form, if unchanged) will be kept valid as originally acquired by the Student secretariat.
AlmaLaurea - istruzioni per la compilazione del questionario
- Documento PDF - 38.48 KB
Tutorial Presentazione domanda di laurea (online)
- Documento PDF - 1.44 MB
Last modified 16 February 2024