University Specialist/Refresher Course in Integrated Medicine (I Edition) a.y. 2023/2024
It is established, for the A.Y. 2023/2024, the 1st edition of the university specialist/refresher course in "INTEGRATED MEDICINE" at the Department for Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition of the University of Eastern Piedmont
Educational and professional goals
The programme is intended to act as a guide, a sort of companion, in the realities and paths of biomedicine towards an INTEGRATED Medicine, of its hybridisation with other medical systems, of the changes in what we can define as "frontier territories", whether these be heterodox, borderline or simply “new”. However, it is not a mere descriptive work of a new "panorama of health", but rather a precise verification - in theory and practice - of the scientific nature and applicability of new proposals that can be inserted as scientific tools in the tool box of health professionals
The skills acquired during this course will give participants the ability to orient themselves in the world of new approaches to the patient, of new medicines from other cultural systems, in that of deontological reflection, the re-composition of the person and his/her subjectivity against the damages of reductionism, to that of physical therapy, to that of the crisis of doctor-patient relationships, to the ethical, sociological, economic (the welfare crisis and the economic repercussions of new medicines) and, finally, regulatory issues.
This information may be used by the participants in carrying out their own professional activities.
At the end of the course, a certificate of attendance will be issued by the University of Eastern Piedmont. Furthermore, the ECM accreditation procedure is being started for this course.
Admission requisites
Candidates who meet the following requirements can apply for admission to the course: old system degree, Bachelor’s degree and Master's degree obtained in one of the courses listed under M.D. no. 270/2004:
- LM-13 Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy
- LM-41 Medicine and surgery
- LM-46 Dentistry and dental prostheses
- L/SNT1 Nursing health professions and obstetrics;
- L/SNT2 Rehabilitation health professions
- LM/SNT1 Nursing and obstetrics
- LM/SNT2 – Rehabilitation sciences of health professions.
The Course Council will determine, during the evaluation of applications, the relevance of qualifications presented.
Application and enrolment
The selection procedures and deadlines for admission to the specialisation course and for subsequent enrolment in the course are indicated in the R.D. of Establishment and activation of the course, which will soon be published in the Attachments section below.
Submission of applications: 20 September 2023, 12pm (Italian time)
Publication of ranking: from 25 September 2023
Submission of registration application and payment of fee: 5 October 2023, 12pm (Italian time)
Contact details
- Manager of the Postgraduate Specialisation Course: Prof. Claudio Molinari, associate professor at DiSSTE, UPO
- Teaching Coordinator: Prof. Paola Brusa, associate professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, UniTo
- Head of Research: Dr. Alberto Chiantaretto
If you need any clarification regarding application and enrolment procedures for the course, please
The total cost of the specialisation course for each student is € 700, to be paid by the enrolment deadline. The virtual stamp duty (€ 16) must be added to the amount of the first tuition fee. In order to make the aforementioned payments, it is necessary to:
- connect to the webpage
- follow the path Reserved Area > Registration, and then click on "Web Registration"
- enter the personal data progressively requested, until the user ID is generated, to which a password will have to be associated
- access the Reserved Area using your user ID (at the end of the procedure referred to in the previous point, simply click on "Proceed with authentication")
- click on "Segreteria", and access the "Enrolment page"
- enter the information progressively requested, up to the generation and printing of the payment slip
- go back to the menu item "Check payments" or "Payments not received", and then to the item "Invoice", where the payment slip will appear
- print the slip and use it to make the payment in question at any bank, or by home-banking
Please also note that:
- the number assigned by the system at the end of the online procedure, once enrolment has been completed, will be confirmed as the effective enrolment number assigned to the student (in the case of login subsequent to registration, where the system does not recognise the "name.surname" format, this will be solved by entering this enrolment number; as for the password, the previously-chosen one can be used)
- following software updates, the above instructions may not be exactly applicable
- it is necessary to submit the completed enrolment application to the “Dipartimento per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile e la Transizione Ecologica dell’Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale – Ufficio Servizi alla Didattica e agli Studenti – Segreteria Studenti – via Galileo Ferraris 107 13100 Vercelli”; or by PEC registered mail to; or by e-mail to; the PEC or e-mail must include the subject title “Domanda di iscrizione al “Corso Universitario di Perfezionamento in “Medicina integrata” – A.Y. 2022/2023 and be sent within the indicated deadlines. No fees will be returned after teaching activity has begun.
For more information, contact the Teaching and Student Services Office – of the Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition department, via the page UPO Risponde (
Information regarding periods, venue and hours of teaching activity
- Duration: annual, from October 2023 to July 2024
- Attendance: Attendance is compulsory, involving one Saturday per month for 8 hours. At least 95% of teaching hours must be attended in order to pass the course. Attendance is recorded on a specific register.
- Hours and credits: 275 hours of which 77 are classroom teaching, 198 individual study and 25 for the thesis. Completion of the Master’s and passing the final exam involves acquisition of 11 academic credits.
Candidates who have attended the overall course for 10 credits and passed the final exam (1 credit) will be awarded an Attendance Certificate for the "Specialist/Refresh Course in INTEGRATED MEDICINE", signed by the Course Manager.
ECM accreditation
An application for ECM accreditation for this course is being made, thereby attributing the relevant number of credits.
For more information, contact:
Presentazione del Corso di perfezionamento in Medicina Integrata
- Documento PDF - 1.54 MB
Domanda di ammissione
- Documento PDF - 138.19 KB
Dichiarazione sostitutiva per ammissione DiSSTE
- Documento PDF - 293.98 KB
Richiesta riconoscimento crediti ECM
- Documento PDF - 231.21 KB
DR di disattivazione del Corso in "Medicina Integrata" per l'a.a. 2022/2023
- Documento PDF - 302.19 KB
Useful Links
Last modified 4 October 2023